White Voile Wedding Bunting

White Voile Wedding Bunting

White Voile Wedding Bunting

18 delicate and ethereal white flags on white cord flecked with silver

Each white voile bunting flag measures 18 x 21 cms, the cord is approx 5.5 metres in length with 50 cms on both ends for tying.

This light and floaty white voile bunting will add that finishing touch to any venue. 
Avoid leaving outside in wet weather.

white voile stripes

White Voile Wedding Bunting

white voile- Wedding Bunting


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100% cotton bunting securely stitched on to rope braid

18 flags, 5.5m total length per pack

Avoid leaving outside in wet weather.

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For how to order and orders outside UK see Ordering

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White Voile Wedding Bunting

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