Striped Fabric Remnants 500g

Striped Fabric Remnants 500g
patchwork fabric remnantsstripe fabric remnants

Striped Fabric Remnants

Bundles of assorted striped fabric remnants, off cuts and roll end interior stripe fabrics, random sizes, weight approx 500gms. 

Fabric Remnants for patchwork, quilting, upholstery and craft projects.

Our striped fabric remnants are from our best selling quality 100% yarn dyed striped cotton fabrics

striped stripes

Striped Fabric Remnants 500g

striped- Sewing Striped Fabric Remnants


Select Quantity

Striped fabric remnants - 100% Yarn Dyed Cotton Fabrics

weight approx 500gms

Ticking fabric remnants - 100% Yarn Dyed Cotton Fabrics

weight approx 500gms

Velvet fabric remnants - 100% cotton velvet

weights 500g or 1000g

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For how to order and orders outside UK see Ordering

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Deckchairstripes™ Ltd T/A The Stripes Company - Stripe Fabric Specialists. Call 01244 336 387